CEO/Founder of O1GClothingCo.


In 2019, I started O1GClothingCo. to provide modern day generations, the freedom of urban fashion, sponsored by God. 

I saw firsthand how difficult it is to find trendy streetwear that promotes a positive message. As a solution, I’ve poured every ounce of blood, sweat, and tears into single handedly creating God's favorite streetwear worldwide, delivered directly to your doorstep. 

I’ve tackled the myth that there's no such thing as positive streetwear. This company isolates negativity being commended and provide our future generations, the fashionable freedom of trendy affirmations. 

Mission Statement: "God's Favorite Streetwear"

Vision: "Even if I'm the ONLY 1, GOD I'll trust you"

I couldn’t be prouder to offer you the freedom of fashion in the streetwear industry that is truly sponsored by God. I look forward to bringing you innovative customs for years to come!

     CEO/Founder                                                                                                                                Clark, Cherise (Re)






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